English Language Challenges
I used to struggle a lot with english at my school days to the point i hated it until i figured out that it was necessary to learn it, there is a moment where you need to explore other other languages because not everything will be in yours, and since english is spoken in most countries it can help you a lot with the communication. About my experience learning english at the university, i think it was different from the school one. In school, i felt like we learned the contents but we didn't apply them in other areas that weren't the tests, here i noticed that we applied the english a lot in terms of speaking, creating dialogues and writing our blogs. With the use of blogs, I could improve my writing and expressing skills and get to know some people interest and hobbies. My weak points in english are mostly related to speaking, even in my native spanish i am not a good speaker hehe, its kinda hard for me to speak fluently with good pronunciation and saying things that make se...